How To Make Gravity Battery

There are many types of batteries worldwide but the gravity battery is the best. It is a pollution-free, nontoxic, highest durability, chemical-free battery. In the future, these batteries could be the best power storage device. There are two simple ways to make it at home (1) Using bicycle wheels and (2) Using a water tank. In this blog, I have mentioned the whole process of making it. Let’s start.

1. Using Bicycle Wheels:-


In this technique, we need two cycle wheels with a holder, a cycle dynamo, a 30 to 40-foot-long cycle chain, and flat wood for the base.
Remove the tire from one wheel and fix both wheels on wood, leaving a 3-inch space as shown in the figure. Using the chain, connect the first wheel to the sprocket of the second wheel. Fix the dynamo to the wheel with a tire. Now connect the long chain to the sprocket of the first wheel and tie a heavy load with it.
Our setup is ready, now put the whole set up at the corner of the roof or any higher place and leave the load slowly, the long chain will rotate the first wheel and the second chain will rotate the second wheel multiple times the first wheel and it will rotate the dynamo thousands of times in just one rotation of the first wheel. This way it will generate electricity till the load falls.
How it Works:- 
This type of battery needs a unique type of mechanism that allows the load to fall very slowly but the rotation of the dynamo should be high-speed. Load has gravitational potential energy when it is at the top and when it starts losing it has kinetic energy which can be used as an energy source for our electricity generation.
Disadvantages of This Battery:- 
Although this battery has many advantages it has some disadvantages too. The following are some disadvantages.
1. It takes huge space
2. The recharge process needs other energy sources
3. It is costly.
If we solve these problems we can improve it and it will be the best battery in the future.

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